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Pocket Entity Keychains

Mini Oppai Mousepad Keychains


Pocket Entity Keychains


Midnight, Mount Ormond, In Which The Huntress Wins and Yes, Dwight Fails to Kobe

Dead Hard


That's a Mori

Short Straw

Lose Your Friends

That's a Mori

One Man's Trash
Mode: SWF
Players: 2 – 4
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Choose a character who has at least 15 (but no more than about 30) perks. Imagine that they are numbered, with the perk that appears first being #1, and the last perk on your first page as #15. Choosing only from the first page, select a perk, and tell your teammates the number that it is. Everyone then equips the perk that appears as that number. For instance, if your #1 perk is Adrenaline and that is your choice, say “Perk #1.” Everyone will select their #1 perk—but it is likely different for each person. When everyone has a full loadout, each person should reveal their build. For repeat games, do not choose any perks that you have already selected.
Notes: You cannot play this on any characters that have most or all of the perks, since your loadouts will be nearly or completely identical.
Players: 2 – 4
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Choose a character who has at least 15 (but no more than about 30) perks. Imagine that they are numbered, with the perk that appears first being #1, and the last perk on your first page as #15. Choosing only from the first page, select a perk, and tell your teammates the number that it is. Everyone then equips the perk that appears as that number. For instance, if your #1 perk is Adrenaline and that is your choice, say “Perk #1.” Everyone will select their #1 perk—but it is likely different for each person. When everyone has a full loadout, each person should reveal their build. For repeat games, do not choose any perks that you have already selected.
Notes: You cannot play this on any characters that have most or all of the perks, since your loadouts will be nearly or completely identical.

Mode: SWF
Players: 1 – 3
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Each person must name themselves “Copycat.” Load into a lobby with no perks. Ask a random person in the lobby what their perks are. Equip whatever they tell you that they have. If they don’t tell you what their perks are, enter the game with nothing.
Notes: In order to give the random person time to type, make sure to ask them as soon as possible to tell you their perks. You need all of the perks to be able to do this game mode.
Players: 1 – 3
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Each person must name themselves “Copycat.” Load into a lobby with no perks. Ask a random person in the lobby what their perks are. Equip whatever they tell you that they have. If they don’t tell you what their perks are, enter the game with nothing.
Notes: In order to give the random person time to type, make sure to ask them as soon as possible to tell you their perks. You need all of the perks to be able to do this game mode.

Make Your Choice
Mode: KYF
Players: 6
Game Length: Long (15 – 20 minutes)
Rules: There are four survivors, one killer, and one spectator. The killer and the survivors each go into separate voice chats. Without colluding with the other participants, each survivor chooses one perk that they and every other survivor will use. Before learning what the survivors want, the spectator writes down four perks they think the survivors will choose. Anything that the spectator successfully guesses, or anything that more than one survivor chooses, the survivors don’t receive. Anything that isn’t guessed or repeated, the survivors keep. For instance, if Survivor A chooses Balanced Landing, everyone gets Balanced Landing. However, if the spectator guessed it, or someone else also chooses Balanced Landing, no one gets it. Instead, the perks are randomly rolled by a perk generator or wheel.
For the killer, the spectator will learn which character the killer will be playing. They will then write down their guesses, and learn the perks the killer would like to bring. The killer may not bring a perk that was correctly guessed, and will instead receive a random perk. When the guessing is done and the perks have been assigned, everyone joins the same voice chat.
Notes: This is one of the tougher games for people to wrap their head around, so here are some examples.
The spectator writes down the following: We’ll Make It, Self-Care, Iron Will, and Windows of Opportunity. Survivor A wants Unbreakable, Survivor B wants Adrenaline, Survivor C wants Iron Will, and Survivor D wants Adrenaline. Iron Will was guessed by the spectator, and two people chose Adrenaline. Because of that, the survivors will receive Unbreakable, and three completely random perks. Each survivor will have the same loadout.
Survivors may only bring yellow and brown items and add-ons, but may bring any offering. The killer can bring any add-ons they want. The killer is not allowed to bring an Ebony or Ivory Memento Mori.
Players: 6
Game Length: Long (15 – 20 minutes)
Rules: There are four survivors, one killer, and one spectator. The killer and the survivors each go into separate voice chats. Without colluding with the other participants, each survivor chooses one perk that they and every other survivor will use. Before learning what the survivors want, the spectator writes down four perks they think the survivors will choose. Anything that the spectator successfully guesses, or anything that more than one survivor chooses, the survivors don’t receive. Anything that isn’t guessed or repeated, the survivors keep. For instance, if Survivor A chooses Balanced Landing, everyone gets Balanced Landing. However, if the spectator guessed it, or someone else also chooses Balanced Landing, no one gets it. Instead, the perks are randomly rolled by a perk generator or wheel.
For the killer, the spectator will learn which character the killer will be playing. They will then write down their guesses, and learn the perks the killer would like to bring. The killer may not bring a perk that was correctly guessed, and will instead receive a random perk. When the guessing is done and the perks have been assigned, everyone joins the same voice chat.
Notes: This is one of the tougher games for people to wrap their head around, so here are some examples.
The spectator writes down the following: We’ll Make It, Self-Care, Iron Will, and Windows of Opportunity. Survivor A wants Unbreakable, Survivor B wants Adrenaline, Survivor C wants Iron Will, and Survivor D wants Adrenaline. Iron Will was guessed by the spectator, and two people chose Adrenaline. Because of that, the survivors will receive Unbreakable, and three completely random perks. Each survivor will have the same loadout.
Survivors may only bring yellow and brown items and add-ons, but may bring any offering. The killer can bring any add-ons they want. The killer is not allowed to bring an Ebony or Ivory Memento Mori.

Role Call
Mode: KYF
Players: 2 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Very Long (1+ hour)
Rules: Five players take turns playing four different pre-determined survivor roles and four random killer roles. Each person will have a turn playing each role. At the end of five matches, the person with the highest score in each category (Role #1, Role #2, Role #3, Role #4, and Killer) wins a point for each highest score.
You can come up with whatever roles you like, though we often play with some of these combinations like a Sneaky Build, Runner Build, Troll Build, etc. Have fun with your combinations! Come up with something fun!
Killer builds are usually predetermined (or random, if you're lazy), with each player randomly assigned one build. In this scenario, they are allowed to choose their own killer, add-ons, and offerings. Here are some examples of killer builds we often use for this: Basement Build, Tiny Skill Checks Build, Jump Scare Build, etc.
Players: 2 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Very Long (1+ hour)
Rules: Five players take turns playing four different pre-determined survivor roles and four random killer roles. Each person will have a turn playing each role. At the end of five matches, the person with the highest score in each category (Role #1, Role #2, Role #3, Role #4, and Killer) wins a point for each highest score.
You can come up with whatever roles you like, though we often play with some of these combinations like a Sneaky Build, Runner Build, Troll Build, etc. Have fun with your combinations! Come up with something fun!
Killer builds are usually predetermined (or random, if you're lazy), with each player randomly assigned one build. In this scenario, they are allowed to choose their own killer, add-ons, and offerings. Here are some examples of killer builds we often use for this: Basement Build, Tiny Skill Checks Build, Jump Scare Build, etc.

Mode: SWF, KYF
Players: 4 – 5
Game Length: Long (15 – 20 minutes)
Rules: Each participant plays Claudette. Load into a game and hide from the killer. You may use any perks or offerings, but no items unless you retrieve them from a chest. You may not do gens or unhook people—just stay hidden! If the killer finds you, you may try to escape. You can also attempt to kobe from the hook. The last person to die wins the game.
For KYF, killers may play any character, and use any perks they like. However, they are not allowed to use any add-ons that reveal auras (for instance, Huntress’ Glowing Concoction, Plague’s Black Incense, Myers’ Scratched Mirror, and so on). They may also not make use of any game mechanics that use Killer Instinct.
Variant: Each round, everyone will play the same character. For example, a “Jake round,” a “Nea round,” etc. Play the game, but without actually using Claudette.
Notes: Because nobody can unhook you, Slippery Meat is highly recommended.
Players: 4 – 5
Game Length: Long (15 – 20 minutes)
Rules: Each participant plays Claudette. Load into a game and hide from the killer. You may use any perks or offerings, but no items unless you retrieve them from a chest. You may not do gens or unhook people—just stay hidden! If the killer finds you, you may try to escape. You can also attempt to kobe from the hook. The last person to die wins the game.
For KYF, killers may play any character, and use any perks they like. However, they are not allowed to use any add-ons that reveal auras (for instance, Huntress’ Glowing Concoction, Plague’s Black Incense, Myers’ Scratched Mirror, and so on). They may also not make use of any game mechanics that use Killer Instinct.
Variant: Each round, everyone will play the same character. For example, a “Jake round,” a “Nea round,” etc. Play the game, but without actually using Claudette.
Notes: Because nobody can unhook you, Slippery Meat is highly recommended.

Lose Your Friends
Mode: SWF, Tournament
Players: 2 – 4
Game Length: Very Long (1 hour+)
Rules: All participants begin the game as Dwight, running only Dwight’s adept perks. Anyone who survives the trial then plays Meg, running her adept perks. Then Claudette, Jake, Nea, Bill, and David. The first person to survive the David round is the winner. No one may bring any items (though you can keep anything you find in a chest). If you like, you can continue past the David around as long as everyone has all of the characters.
Tournament variant #1: Babysitter. Teams compete in an equal number of matches (five or ten recommended). Each time someone escapes and is able to move onto the next character in the chain, their team earns one point. The team with the most points at the end of the tournament wins.
Tournament variant #2: No One Left Behind. Teams compete until one team has completed the David round. To move up a round, a team must have all four survivors survive the round. The team that first defeats the David round of the tournament wins.
Players: 2 – 4
Game Length: Very Long (1 hour+)
Rules: All participants begin the game as Dwight, running only Dwight’s adept perks. Anyone who survives the trial then plays Meg, running her adept perks. Then Claudette, Jake, Nea, Bill, and David. The first person to survive the David round is the winner. No one may bring any items (though you can keep anything you find in a chest). If you like, you can continue past the David around as long as everyone has all of the characters.
Tournament variant #1: Babysitter. Teams compete in an equal number of matches (five or ten recommended). Each time someone escapes and is able to move onto the next character in the chain, their team earns one point. The team with the most points at the end of the tournament wins.
Tournament variant #2: No One Left Behind. Teams compete until one team has completed the David round. To move up a round, a team must have all four survivors survive the round. The team that first defeats the David round of the tournament wins.

Short Straw
Mode: KYF
Players: 5 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Every survivor must play Laurie Strode, wearing identical outfits. They must each equip Object of Obsession, three perks and an offering of their choice, and no items (though any items found in chests may be kept). The killer may play any character they want, but they may not use any aura-reading perks or add-ons, or any abilities that result in Killer Instinct.
Lastly, set the map to either The Thompson House, Fractured Cowshed, or Rotten Fields.
When the game begins, the killer and all Lauries must immediately run into the corn and stay there for the duration of the match, leaving only to hook or unhook. The Laurie that ends up being the Obsession has drawn "the short straw." That Laurie's aura will be revealed to the killer every thirty seconds. Her aim is to sandbag the other players, strategically placing herself behind them and trick the killer into attacking anyone but herself.
The killer's aim is to kill the Laurie with the short straw.
The other Lauries each want to be the last one standing.
When hooked, the Obsession may demand that a particular Laurie must save them. Because of that, the killer should also try to kill as many Lauries as possible, not just their Obsession.
Players: 5 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Every survivor must play Laurie Strode, wearing identical outfits. They must each equip Object of Obsession, three perks and an offering of their choice, and no items (though any items found in chests may be kept). The killer may play any character they want, but they may not use any aura-reading perks or add-ons, or any abilities that result in Killer Instinct.
Lastly, set the map to either The Thompson House, Fractured Cowshed, or Rotten Fields.
When the game begins, the killer and all Lauries must immediately run into the corn and stay there for the duration of the match, leaving only to hook or unhook. The Laurie that ends up being the Obsession has drawn "the short straw." That Laurie's aura will be revealed to the killer every thirty seconds. Her aim is to sandbag the other players, strategically placing herself behind them and trick the killer into attacking anyone but herself.
The killer's aim is to kill the Laurie with the short straw.
The other Lauries each want to be the last one standing.
When hooked, the Obsession may demand that a particular Laurie must save them. Because of that, the killer should also try to kill as many Lauries as possible, not just their Obsession.

Mode: KYF
Players: 3 – 5
Game Length: Short (5 minutes)
Rules: Set the map to one with a large main building, like Mount Ormond or Father Campbell's Chapel. The killer must play the Wraith. The survivors must bring Streetwise and a Will O’ Wisp flashlight with two batteries, but no other perks, and no other offerings.
When the game loads in, the killer will go to the main building and find a hiding spot while the survivors turn away. The hiding spot may not be in the basement. It can be on any level of the building, but must be firmly on the “floor” of the structure—not on ground, grass, dirt, mud, snow, etc. Once the hiding spot has been procured, the killer must stay put, cloaked, and announce that they are ready to be found. At the same time, they will start a timer set to five minutes (or play the Ghostbusters theme song, if you like!). The survivors must find the Wraith and light burn him before the timer is up or their flashlights have been depleted, whichever comes first.
To aid in the search, the survivors may each ask one question from the following list. Once a question has been asked, it cannot be asked again.
“Mr. Wraith, Mr. Wraith, what do you see?
Perhaps it’s a pallet? A locker? A tree?”
“Wraith, Wraith, who’s the closest to your face?”
“Wraith, we seek the secrets of the past:
which survivor did you look upon last?”
“Mr. Wraith, pray reveal a secret that you hide:
are you within the walls of the building, or are you hiding just outside?”
Players: 3 – 5
Game Length: Short (5 minutes)
Rules: Set the map to one with a large main building, like Mount Ormond or Father Campbell's Chapel. The killer must play the Wraith. The survivors must bring Streetwise and a Will O’ Wisp flashlight with two batteries, but no other perks, and no other offerings.
When the game loads in, the killer will go to the main building and find a hiding spot while the survivors turn away. The hiding spot may not be in the basement. It can be on any level of the building, but must be firmly on the “floor” of the structure—not on ground, grass, dirt, mud, snow, etc. Once the hiding spot has been procured, the killer must stay put, cloaked, and announce that they are ready to be found. At the same time, they will start a timer set to five minutes (or play the Ghostbusters theme song, if you like!). The survivors must find the Wraith and light burn him before the timer is up or their flashlights have been depleted, whichever comes first.
To aid in the search, the survivors may each ask one question from the following list. Once a question has been asked, it cannot be asked again.
“Mr. Wraith, Mr. Wraith, what do you see?
Perhaps it’s a pallet? A locker? A tree?”
“Wraith, Wraith, who’s the closest to your face?”
“Wraith, we seek the secrets of the past:
which survivor did you look upon last?”
“Mr. Wraith, pray reveal a secret that you hide:
are you within the walls of the building, or are you hiding just outside?”

The Game with No Name
Mode: SWF, KYF
Players: 2 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Very Long (1+ hour)
Resources: &
Rules: Each survivor chooses two challenges from the Survivor Challenges list. If one challenge is worth more points than the other, that one is considered the “primary,” with the latter being the “secondary.” Before the trial begins, someone will record the selected challenges. When a challenge is completed, the survivor will receive the amount of points it is worth. If multiple challenges are met, the survivor will only receive points and credit for either the challenge worth the most points, or (if the challenges are worth the same amount), the challenge that was met first.
There are different ways to “win” this game mode, depending on how it is being played. You can challenge each other to score the most points, which makes it more competitive (and encourages players to sabotage each other), or make it so that player points earn them individual prizes, such as game codes.
For KYF, the killer chooses their challenges from the Killer Challenges list. The killer may select two challenges, and receive points for both of them in one trial.
Notes: For KYF, the survivors may only bring yellow items and add-ons, and the killer may not bring an Ebony or Ivory Memento Mori (unless otherwise stated in the challenge lists).
Players: 2 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Very Long (1+ hour)
Resources: &
Rules: Each survivor chooses two challenges from the Survivor Challenges list. If one challenge is worth more points than the other, that one is considered the “primary,” with the latter being the “secondary.” Before the trial begins, someone will record the selected challenges. When a challenge is completed, the survivor will receive the amount of points it is worth. If multiple challenges are met, the survivor will only receive points and credit for either the challenge worth the most points, or (if the challenges are worth the same amount), the challenge that was met first.
There are different ways to “win” this game mode, depending on how it is being played. You can challenge each other to score the most points, which makes it more competitive (and encourages players to sabotage each other), or make it so that player points earn them individual prizes, such as game codes.
For KYF, the killer chooses their challenges from the Killer Challenges list. The killer may select two challenges, and receive points for both of them in one trial.
Notes: For KYF, the survivors may only bring yellow items and add-ons, and the killer may not bring an Ebony or Ivory Memento Mori (unless otherwise stated in the challenge lists).

Get Down, Mr. President
Mode: SWF
Players: 3
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Name yourself “Bodyguard,” “Secret Agent,” or something similar. Everyone must have the same name. Equip perks that will help you protect another player. Join a lobby, and inform the random person you are playing with that they are the president, and that they must escape. Work with your teammates to ensure that your president survives, even if you die. You and your teammates win if your president manages to escape the trial through the exit gate or hatch.
If your president disconnects, or the killer disconnects, the match doesn’t count. The match does count if the president kills themselves on hook or is tunneled to death.
Players: 3
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Name yourself “Bodyguard,” “Secret Agent,” or something similar. Everyone must have the same name. Equip perks that will help you protect another player. Join a lobby, and inform the random person you are playing with that they are the president, and that they must escape. Work with your teammates to ensure that your president survives, even if you die. You and your teammates win if your president manages to escape the trial through the exit gate or hatch.
If your president disconnects, or the killer disconnects, the match doesn’t count. The match does count if the president kills themselves on hook or is tunneled to death.

That's a Mori!
Mode: KYF
Players: 5 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Long (20 – 30 minutes)
Rules: Sixteen survivor perks and sixteen killer perks are randomly generated. The survivors go into a separate room and decide who gets which perks. They may decide any way that they like. The killer, who must bring an Ivory Memento Mori, secretly “traps” one of the perks. If the killer are able to identify the person with the perk, they are allowed to mori them. For instance, if there are sixteen perks, and one of them is Dead Hard, the killer may decide to trap it. When they see someone using Dead Hard, they are allowed to mori them. If the killer moris the wrong person, they lose the game. Killers are not allowed to trap perks that are unhideable, like Boil Over or No Mither.
The killer chooses their loadout from the sixteen randomly selected killer perks. Before the game begins, the survivors look at the list of perks and each choose one. They then guess if the killer has that perk, starting with the person with the shittiest build. If no one correctly guesses a perk, the game will continue as normal. If one of the perks the killer has chosen is guessed, the killer will inform the person that they’ve successfully identified part of their loadout, and that person will receive a “No, put me the fuck down” card. To use it, the survivor just needs to wait until the killer picks them up, and then loudly and clearly say, “No, put me the fuck down” in their sassiest voice. The killer must immediately drop the survivor and continue with the game, giving the survivor a reasonable amount of time and space to be picked up. The next killer will be the survivor who had the trapped perk.
Notes: Survivors may only bring yellow and brown items and add-ons, but may bring any offering. The killer can bring any add-ons they want, but must bring only an Ivory Memento Mori.
Players: 5 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Long (20 – 30 minutes)
Rules: Sixteen survivor perks and sixteen killer perks are randomly generated. The survivors go into a separate room and decide who gets which perks. They may decide any way that they like. The killer, who must bring an Ivory Memento Mori, secretly “traps” one of the perks. If the killer are able to identify the person with the perk, they are allowed to mori them. For instance, if there are sixteen perks, and one of them is Dead Hard, the killer may decide to trap it. When they see someone using Dead Hard, they are allowed to mori them. If the killer moris the wrong person, they lose the game. Killers are not allowed to trap perks that are unhideable, like Boil Over or No Mither.
The killer chooses their loadout from the sixteen randomly selected killer perks. Before the game begins, the survivors look at the list of perks and each choose one. They then guess if the killer has that perk, starting with the person with the shittiest build. If no one correctly guesses a perk, the game will continue as normal. If one of the perks the killer has chosen is guessed, the killer will inform the person that they’ve successfully identified part of their loadout, and that person will receive a “No, put me the fuck down” card. To use it, the survivor just needs to wait until the killer picks them up, and then loudly and clearly say, “No, put me the fuck down” in their sassiest voice. The killer must immediately drop the survivor and continue with the game, giving the survivor a reasonable amount of time and space to be picked up. The next killer will be the survivor who had the trapped perk.
Notes: Survivors may only bring yellow and brown items and add-ons, but may bring any offering. The killer can bring any add-ons they want, but must bring only an Ivory Memento Mori.

Peanut Gallery
Mode: KYF
Players: 5 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Each survivor must bring No Mither and three perks of their choice, and the killer must play a Huntress with add-ons of their choice. (The perks and offerings don't really matter.) Set the map to Haddonfield and have the survivors assemble on the back roof of the Strode House, with the killer just below. The survivors are not allowed to leave the roof unless in the dying state.
The Huntress should then attempt to snipe the survivors with hatchets. If a survivor enters the dying state, they should crawl off the roof and recover using No Mither. Once recovered, they must immediately run back up to the roof and commence dodging hatchets. Slowly, the survivors' bleedout timers will run down until the most agile survivor is left standing!
Players: 5 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Medium (10 – 15 minutes)
Rules: Each survivor must bring No Mither and three perks of their choice, and the killer must play a Huntress with add-ons of their choice. (The perks and offerings don't really matter.) Set the map to Haddonfield and have the survivors assemble on the back roof of the Strode House, with the killer just below. The survivors are not allowed to leave the roof unless in the dying state.
The Huntress should then attempt to snipe the survivors with hatchets. If a survivor enters the dying state, they should crawl off the roof and recover using No Mither. Once recovered, they must immediately run back up to the roof and commence dodging hatchets. Slowly, the survivors' bleedout timers will run down until the most agile survivor is left standing!

Blind Date
Mode: KYF
Players: 6
Game Length: Long (20 – 30 minutes)
Rules: Three survivors and one killer will blindfold themselves, with one spectator leading the survivors, and one spectator leading the killer. Besides No Mither, the survivors are not allowed to bring any perks that muffle or alter sounds (Iron Will, Technician, Quick & Quiet, Diversion, Pharmacy, etc.). If/when the first survivor dies, they should spectate a remaining survivor and guide that person.
Notes: The killer may not bring an Ebony or Ivory Memento Mori. The Survivors may bring only yellow and brown items and add-ons. The killer and their spectator should be in a different voice chat than the other players. Generator- and heal-tapping are encouraged for this game mode.
Players: 6
Game Length: Long (20 – 30 minutes)
Rules: Three survivors and one killer will blindfold themselves, with one spectator leading the survivors, and one spectator leading the killer. Besides No Mither, the survivors are not allowed to bring any perks that muffle or alter sounds (Iron Will, Technician, Quick & Quiet, Diversion, Pharmacy, etc.). If/when the first survivor dies, they should spectate a remaining survivor and guide that person.
Notes: The killer may not bring an Ebony or Ivory Memento Mori. The Survivors may bring only yellow and brown items and add-ons. The killer and their spectator should be in a different voice chat than the other players. Generator- and heal-tapping are encouraged for this game mode.

Lucky or Fucky
Mode: KYF
Players: 5 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Long (15 – 20 minutes)
Link to resource:
Rules: In Lucky or Fucky, survivors randomly receive one out of forty-two different loadouts. The loadouts may include perks, items, add-ons, offerings, and rules. If a survivor dislikes the loadout they receive, they may randomly reroll it, either getting lucky or fucky.
For killers, use a random loadout generator. You may reroll only once. If you receive an offering that is not available in Kill Your Friends (like an experience offering), bring no offering at all. If you receive a killer you do not have, keep the loadout and reroll the killer until you receive a killer you have.
Notes: This is a non-competitive game mode, with no winning or losing. It's just for fun, so make sure to have some!
Players: 5 – 6 (Optional spectator)
Game Length: Long (15 – 20 minutes)
Link to resource:
Rules: In Lucky or Fucky, survivors randomly receive one out of forty-two different loadouts. The loadouts may include perks, items, add-ons, offerings, and rules. If a survivor dislikes the loadout they receive, they may randomly reroll it, either getting lucky or fucky.
For killers, use a random loadout generator. You may reroll only once. If you receive an offering that is not available in Kill Your Friends (like an experience offering), bring no offering at all. If you receive a killer you do not have, keep the loadout and reroll the killer until you receive a killer you have.
Notes: This is a non-competitive game mode, with no winning or losing. It's just for fun, so make sure to have some!

Big Dumb David
Mode: SWF
Players: 4
Game Length: Short (5 – 10 minutes)
Rules: Set up a build on David King, and swap to another character. Before the match loads in, quick switch to David all at the same time. The aim in Big Dumb David is to die first, with the last person standing losing the game! When the match loads in, it's time to rush the killer and be the first to die.
Sabotaging yourself is not allowed. That means that you cannot attempt to kobe from the hook, and you must succeed in all second-hook skill checks. If you're in the dying state, you must recover, and let others pick you up.
You can, however, sabotage other! You can sabotage hooks, flashlight and pallet save others, body block, and equip quick-healing perks to get people up as fast as possible.
Players: 4
Game Length: Short (5 – 10 minutes)
Rules: Set up a build on David King, and swap to another character. Before the match loads in, quick switch to David all at the same time. The aim in Big Dumb David is to die first, with the last person standing losing the game! When the match loads in, it's time to rush the killer and be the first to die.
Sabotaging yourself is not allowed. That means that you cannot attempt to kobe from the hook, and you must succeed in all second-hook skill checks. If you're in the dying state, you must recover, and let others pick you up.
You can, however, sabotage other! You can sabotage hooks, flashlight and pallet save others, body block, and equip quick-healing perks to get people up as fast as possible.
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